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Monday, November 12, 2007

Lead Foot

No, the title does not refer to the way I drive--though my Daddy Bob often said I drove like my mother with a lead foot--the man was a great critic of everyone's driving. You should have heard him singing "Nearer My God to Thee" in the back seat of my friend Ellen's massive Ford LTD. Anyway...the lead foot refers to the way my feet felt today. Actually my legs. OK, actually my whole body. I don't know if it's related to the soreness from jogging on Saturday (I'm really out of practice with jogging) or if it's related to my ankle, which started stiffening up today, or if it was just general fatigue. I suspect a big combination of those bland ingredients--a recipe for dragging through my workout. I managed to get through most of Cathe's Rhythmic Step workout, but skipped the Challenge section at the end (the challenge runs through the combos together a few times). I could just barely drag myself through it, even though it's my favorite step workout! I chose it knowing I felt unmotivated and tired, so I can just imagine how tough it would have been to do a workout I didn't enjoy. I really started to feel my ankle toward the end, though it's hardly bothered me lately, so I'm glad I 'll be seeing a physical therapist on Wednesday.

Do you ever have these kind of workout days? Maybe it would have been better to just take a rest day, but I feel like I do that too often when I get in this mood. I did really want to complete a workout, and I did manage to do most of it, so I felt good that I pushed myself, but it wasn't fun the way my step workouts usually are. I did enjoy parts of it, especially as Rhythmic Step has gotten so much easier now that it's more familiar, but I didn't bound with the joy I knew I could feel in it on a good day.

I think tomorrow if I don't feel any better, I'll go ahead and rest and hit it harder on Wednesday (after I check with the PT that I am not overdoing it anyway). I'm tellin' ya, I'm even having trouble motivating myself to get up and wash my hair (so hard to do when the boys are up during the day), so you know I'm dragging. Here's to a better day tomorrow! I lift a glass of chocolate skim milk to you! (OK, better go get some chocolate skim milk so that I can make that a reality--maybe it will help.)


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