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Thursday, January 24, 2008

My MatStep Came Today!

Today I went against the orthopedist's advice again and did a brief step workout--a couple combos from Seasun Zieger's Straight Up Step. I tried not to leap too high and I only used a 4" step. I had hoped the MatStep would arrive early enough to use it for the workout, but wouldn't you know it arrived just after I finished stepping and had started weight work? Yep. I had begun the biceps and triceps weight work from Cathe's 4-Day Split Boot Camp when I heard the klunk of a box hitting the porch (our friendly neighborhood UPS dude rarely even rings the doorbell--just dumps stuff on the porch). I finished up my weights (and sadly I always feel wimpy doing triceps work with Cathe because she lifts much heavier than I can--at least I am much closer on the bicep lifting). Then I got out Cathe's Body Max 2 and did a couple step combos using the new MatStep. I chose BM2 because it's a workout I know well, so I could just focus on the feeling of stepping on a mat instead of a real step. It was a kind of strange sensation when you're used to stepping up at least a few inches, but I got into it and felt o.k. with it. I know I won't burn the same calories but I still enjoyed the feeling of stepping along with Cathe, even though I wasn't really stepping up with her. I know it was better on my wonky knees because I didn't hear them crackling like they usually like to do when I step.

I have an appointment with James, my physical therapist, next Monday to deal with my Rice Krispies knees. I hope I can just get some good advice and some home exercises and not see him as often as I did for my ankle (likable though he is).

I still haven't figured out what to put on the next fitness-related poll, but maybe I'll think of something by tomorrow.


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