Kickboxing Today and Boot Camp Tomorrow
Today I continued with my 4-Day Split rotation with the 4-Day Split Kickbox Plus Legs & Core workout. I love that one, though my back is hurting a bit now for some reason. I'm really enjoying the 4-Day Split workouts in general. I also think I'm feeling much better because I was bouncing around the house today like I do when I'm feeling well. Going from room to room I caught myself skipping a bit or hopping and dancing around the kitchen while making dinner. I've been tired and sick for so long that I forgot what it was like to feel this way. I haven't heard anything about my bloodwork I had done last week, but I'm guessing it's normal--since they're more likely to call you soon if there's a problem and since I am feeling so great. As I was jumping around the house, I thought, "I kind of hope I've got Boot Camp scheduled on the rotation tomorrow since I feel like leaping around." Sure enough, that's what is planned for tomorrow's workout. It's really unusual for me to desire to do a drill/bootcamp sort of workout; I much prefer step aerobics or kickboxing for cardio, so I hope I still feel the urge tomorrow. Also, Boot Camp includes working biceps & triceps, and I love pumping iron for my biceps.
As for other physical issues, I've decided the way to get through my workout without being distracted by my Rice Krispies crackling knees is just to turn up the sound on the TV. They don't bother me so much if I can't hear them. Of course, I'll be visiting my orthopedic surgeon on Friday to ask about them. I don't think there's anything specific he will do for me at this time, since they are just noisy and not painful, but I thought I could at least ask some advice about it.
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