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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Your Best Body Circuit

Today I did the workout Your Best Body Circuit with Michelle Dozois. The title seems a bit presumptuous, but I can overlook that. I already have her other two Your Body Breakthru workouts: Rockin' Body Cardio Jam and Slim, Strong & Sexy Body Sculpt. The circuit workout just seems to be a blend of the moves in the other workouts. That makes sense, I guess, since a circuit involves both cardio and sculpting, but it would get boring if these were the only workouts you did all the time. It's a nice little idea that it would be easy to put together a rotation with just these three workouts, like this:

Day 1: Rockin' Body Cardio Jam
Day 2: SSS Body Sculpt Upper Body
Day 3: Rockin' Body Cardio Jam
Day 4: SSS Body Sculpt Lower Body
Day 5: Rockin' Body Cardio Jam
Day 6: Your Best Body Circuit
Day 7: Rest

Or you could do it like this:
Day 1: Your Best Body Circuit
Day 2: Rockin' Body Cardio Jam
Day 3: SSS Body Sculpt Upper & Lower Body
Day 4: Rockin' Body Cardio Jam
Day 5: Your Best Body Circuit
Day 6: Rockin' Body Cardio Jam
Day 7: Rest

There are more options, since these DVDs also have express workouts, so you could do a short workout if you have a busy day or add it on to another workout.

So, if you were a beginner to intermediate exerciser and only wanted 3 DVDs these would make a great combo for you. You can also heavy up on the weights for more challenge as time passes. For me, they are fun for occasional use, and especially on weeks like this when I'm feeling a little under the weather (again) and have a busy schedule. It felt like an effective circuit workout--we'll see if I'm sore tomorrow.


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